The successes of my project so far includes that an expert, Dr Rapoport, has agreed to answer a few of my questions via email after reading her book. Also, the table of sources I have produced seems to be very useful too!
My proposed plan for the rest of the project:
I will first finish off the research, most importantly, many sources have claimed that environmental factors are less important than biological factors, however, I haven't found any reliable evidence for this yet.
I will publish another post describing the outline of my project in more detail, but at the moment the simple outline is:
- Introduction - introducing my project and explaining OCD
- Explaining each of the different factors
- Evaluating the evidence I have found in order to determine the significance of each of the different factors
- Conclusion - summarising my project and my findings
A source's reliability is a very important thing to take into account, therefore, when writing my report, I will remember to take this into account.